Business, Philosophy, Templeton Plan, Uncategorized
More today on this concept of orderliness that Templeton touches upon in Step 9 of The Templeton Plan, “Utilizing Two Principles of Success.” Here are two exercises that can boost your business acumen instantly if you can put them into practice. Pretend you are...
Philosophy, Templeton Plan, Uncategorized
Though Step 9 of The Templeton Plan is called“Utilizing Two Principles of Success” it could perhaps more accurately be called “Utilizing Three Principles of Success” because it links perseverance with another quality that was important to Templeton:...
Philosophy, Templeton Plan, Uncategorized
In today’s post we continue our look at The Templeton Plan with an examination of Step 9, “Utilizing Two Principles of Success.” This chapter has a great story about one of Templeton’s earliest business endeavors—one he undertook before entering the world...
Philosophy, Quotes, Uncategorized
Today we continue our look at The Templeton Plan with an examination of Step 9, “Utilizing Two Principles of Success.” In this step, we find two of Templeton’s favorite quotes on the principle of perseverance. Quote 1: “The difficult we do immediately. The...
Philosophy, Templeton Plan, Uncategorized
Today we continue our look at The Templeton Plan with an examination of Step 9, “Utilizing Two Principles of Success.” If there is a leading clue to Templeton’s outstanding success, it is that he always finishes what he begins. He perseveres....
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